If everyone is using AI, how does a business stand out?
Human-Led Creativity Needs AI as a Partner
AI can generate content, optimize campaigns, and predict trends, but it can’t replicate true human creativity, emotions, and originality. The businesses that break through the AI noise are the ones that will use AI as an enabler but put humans at the front line. You might consider injecting your personality into your brand with a distinct voice. Or use AI for in depth research and let humans drive originality and being unpredictable! Don’t’ forget: people are not rational! As Dostoevsky says, “they like to break things” sometimes.
Elevate Customer Experience Beyond Automation
AI chatbots and automated responses are efficient—but customers can tell when they’re talking to an algorithm vs. a human. Businesses that stand out offer real human interactions where it matters. In our blog – Good Afternoon Tom said the AI – we argued: When Deep Blue, the system built by IBM beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov, the promise of machines seemed to get locked in. But chess is a closed system: there are only so many moves you can make to checkmate the king. Life isn’t like that. Marketing isn’t like that.” So never ever forget and leave out the human from your algorithm! Surprise is the best advantage.
Break Out of AI-Generated “Safe” Content
AI-generated content is optimized for SEO, engagement metrics, and safe, neutral messaging—but that also makes it predictable. Brands that stand out take bold, non-AI-generated stances.
All warfare is based on deception according to Sun Tzu in this Art of War. Being predictable is the kiss of death. Fortunately, people aren’t predictable, which is AI’s weakness. So tap that weakness by adding your own unpredictability! Go ahead…be human!
However, repetition also leads to predictability — and a kind of comfort in knowing things are steady. Think about any of the messages you’ve heard that are in your head — the things you expect when you see a brand. Or think about when a brand suddenly shifts its position, like the recent Jaguar commercial. This “shock and awe” was certainly not predictable, and certainly not safe, but it went to the other extreme: alienating Jaguar owners. When considering safe and how far to go, don’t forget Aristotle: the golden mean. Balance. Don’t just run to the extremes!
For example, our client, Chicago Metallic Corporation, was the 3rd player in a very competitive market: ceiling tile. We developed a strategy to challenge the status quo. We purchased 18 pages in a major architectural magazine deeply discounted in a deal off the rate card and ran two consecutive months of four page consecutive
ad pages, followed by one page each month for the rest of the year around a terrific positioning statement: “Look up to Chicago Metallic.” We told our client that two things will happen as a result of this strategy. First, the competitors would see the first four page insert and notice it. When it appeared the second month, they would begin holding marketing meetings and conclude you are coming after their market share. You will then draw back to one page for the rest of the year and business will be terrific.
It was. Not only did all this happen as predicted, the magazine rep made more money because the competitors increased their ad budgets to combat our client’s strategy.
AI could never figure this out. AI could support this (i.e., by planning media outlets for a flanking move with PR or building on the tagline with messaging), but the strategy itself has to be human driven! Safe isn’t always safe. Why? Because you just never know about human beings!
AI is a Tool, Not the Differentiator
The secret to standing out when everyone is using AI isn’t to reject AI—it’s to use it strategically while amplifying the things AI cannot do well. Let us know if we can help!